3.再建一个mxml application : flexunit.mxml
4. 别忘了导入测试框架FlexUnit.swc
5. 运行flexunit.mxml就可以了,你会看到2个test都通过测试了。
package test { public class BankAccount { private var balance:Number=0; public function deposit(amount:Number):void{ balance=balance+amount; } public function withdraw(amount:Number):void{ balance=balance-amount; } public function getBalance():Number{ return balance; } } }
package test { import flexunit.framework.TestCase; public class BankAccountTest extends TestCase { /** * Test Deposit */ public function testDeposit():void { var bankAccount:BankAccount=new BankAccount(); bankAccount.deposit(50); assertTrue("Balance on a new account after 50 deposit is 50", bankAccount.getBalance() == 50); bankAccount.deposit(25); assertEquals("Balance after 50 deposit and another 25 deposit is 75", 75,bankAccount.getBalance()); } /** * Test withdraw */ public function testWithdraw():void { var bankAccount:BankAccount=new BankAccount(); bankAccount.deposit(100); bankAccount.withdraw(50); assertTrue("Balance on a new account after 100 deposit and a 50 withdraw is 50", bankAccount.getBalance() == 50); } } }
3.再建一个mxml application : flexunit.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns="*" xmlns:flexunit="flexunit.flexui.*" creationComplete="onCreationComplete()"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import test.BankAccountTest; import flexunit.framework.TestSuite; // Create the test suite and run the tests private function onCreationComplete():void { testRunner.test = createSuite(); testRunner.startTest(); } // Creates the test suite to run private function createSuite():TestSuite { var testSuite:TestSuite = new TestSuite(); testSuite.addTestSuite(BankAccountTest); return testSuite; } ]]> </mx:Script> <!-- FlexUnit GUI Component --> <flexunit:TestRunnerBase id="testRunner" width="100%" height="100%" /> </mx:Application>
4. 别忘了导入测试框架FlexUnit.swc
5. 运行flexunit.mxml就可以了,你会看到2个test都通过测试了。
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